Yellow rice wine boom

Society & Culture

Top society and culture news for January 18, 2017. Part of the daily The China Projectย news roundup "India scolds China."

  • Forget wine, Chinaโ€™s booze market is all about โ€˜liquid cakeโ€™ย / Bloomberg
    Yellow rice wine, the traditional fermented drink of eastern Chinaโ€™s Zhejiang Province, is the fastest-growing mass-market alcoholic drink in China, according to a Chinese investment bank. The growth in yellow rice wine sales is in contrast to recent reports of softening demand for beer, grape wine, and even baijiu, the stronger distilled liquor often used for toasting at official banquets. Whatever the truth of the sales volumes, the stock price of Chinaโ€™s most famous baijiuย producer, Kweichow Moutai, has been soaringย in recent weeks.
  • Wei Watch: Whatโ€™s buzzing among Chinaโ€™s 700 million social media users.
    Antibiotics in agriculture adds risk to human healthย / Weibo (in Chinese)
    An article published by Spanish newspaper El Mundo about antibiotics abuse at livestock farms in Chinaย has been circulating on Chinese social media. Many responses include other horror stories about food safety issues. One wag jokedย that โ€œChinese people arenโ€™t even scared of consuming recycled โ€˜gutter oil,โ€™ so what do they have to fear from antibiotics!โ€