News roundup: 731 million internet users and a VPN clampdown

Top China news for January 23, 2017. Get this daily digest delivered to your inbox by signing up atย

731 million internet users

This weekend, the Chinese government agency that releases statistics about digital networks said that China now has 731 million internet users, with 695 million of them using mobile connections. As Tech in Asiaย notes, the report also says that the number of โ€œmobile walletโ€ users is up to 469 million, up 31.2 percent in the past year, and WeChat remains the most popular app, used by 80 percent of all internet users.

On Sunday, the government also announcedย a 100 billion yuan ($14.556 billion) internet investment fund to โ€œsupport internet companies and the Internet Plus action plan via equity investment.โ€ (See The China Projectโ€™s phrase directoryย on government terms like Internet Plus.)

Websites shut down, VPNs under scrutiny

Enthusiasm for the internet does not, of course, mean all of the internet: On Friday, 17 Chinese websites were shut downย by the authorities. Two of the affected sites were run by a think tank founded by Mao Yushiย (่Œ…ไบŽ่ฝผ, pictured above) a pro-free-market economist and longtime critic of Party orthodoxy. On Sunday, a new campaign was announced that specifically names Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) as targets for regulation. VPNs are used to get around the internet blocks of the โ€œGreat Firewall.โ€ As the South China Morning Postย notes, โ€œa cat-and-mouse game has thus been going on for years between the authorities and VPN service providers,โ€ but it is unusual for the authorities to specifically draw attention to the issue. The campaign was widely discussed on Chinese social media: There is a roundup of the discussion here, or see this threadย (in Chinese) on Weibo.

Trump kills TPP, leaving โ€œdoor openโ€ for China

President Donald Trump signed an executive order formally withdrawing the United Statesโ€™ participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Monday. The Washington Postย callsย the announcement โ€œlargely symbolicโ€ because โ€œthe deal was already essentially dead in Congressโ€ฆbut served to signal that Trumpโ€™s tough talk on trade during the campaign will carry over to his new administration.โ€ Many observers believe the end of TPP will be a boon for China. CNN saysย the decision โ€œleaves the door open for Beijing to push its own brand of trade,โ€ while Richard Haas, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, tweetedย that โ€œChina could well be principal beneficiary.โ€

โ€”Jeremy Goldkorn

Today on The China Project

In โ€œRebirth of artisanal farming,โ€ Michelle Winglee profiles a man who left his teaching job at the prestigious Peking University to raise livestock and grow vegetables, fruits, and grains using only preindustrial techniques.

This issue of the The China Projectย newsletter was produced by Sky Canaves, Lucas Niewenhuis, and Jiayun Feng. More China stories worth your time are curated below, with the most important ones at the top of each section.


  • These companies are at risk in a U.S.-China trade warย / Bloomberg
    While the markets continue to downplay the odds of a U.S.-China trade war, banks and financial consultants are providing more in-depth analysis of what effect protectionist measures would have on business in the two countries. An analysis from Morgan Stanley estimates that 10 percent of American companies are at risk from cross-Pacific tensions, whereas the same can be said for only 2 percent of Chinese companies. At the top of the list of most exposed companies in the U.S. are semiconductor makers Ambarella, Texas Instruments, and Marvell. The Chinese companies most at risk are wireless technology provider GoerTek, apparel manufacturer Regina Miracle International, and global supply chain manager Li & Fung.


  • China, the Philippines confirm cooperation programs worth 3.7 billion USDย / Xinhua
    Following a political realignmentย last summer from the U.S. to China, the Philippines has sought out substantial and unprecedented financial cooperation with Beijing. Deals already made include a $24 billion investment and financingย deal in October and a $14 million arms packageย in December. Today, government officials of the Philippines and China announced a further $3.7 billion in cooperation largely to build infrastructure, and set their sights on a six-year joint development plan to be signed next month.
  • China slams Western democracy as flawedย / Bloomberg
    In contrast to the market-friendly messages about globalization and free trade in Xi Jinpingโ€™s Davos speechย last week, on Sunday, the Peopleโ€™s Daily published a full-page spread titled โ€œSystemic crisis: The new trend of capitalism,โ€ featuring various articles on the dire state of Western democracies. The Peopleโ€™s Dailyย website published an additional articleย (in Chinese), including a scan of the full-page spread, titled โ€œChaos chaos chaos! Where can capitalism go from here?โ€ Bloombergย remarks, โ€œThe unusual series of commentariesโ€ฆmirrors Soviet efforts to promote an alternative political and economic system during the Cold War.โ€


  • Chinaโ€™s birth rate rises but falls short of government estimatesย / The Guardian
    Data issued by Chinaโ€™s National Health and Family Planning Commission shows that the countryโ€™s birth rate increased by 7.9 percent to 17.86 million in 2016, making it the highest in this century. About 45 percent of babies were born to families that already had one child, as a direct result of Chinaโ€™s abolition of its decades-long one-child policy. The number of newborns, however, fell short of the government estimates in part because about 75 percent of families are reluctant to have a second child due to economic concerns.
  • Didi responds to usersโ€™ outrage over high faresย / Global Times
    Complaints against Didi, the largest ride-hailing app in China, which boughtย Uberโ€™s Chinese business last year, have reached a fever pitch over the past few weeks as passengers found it increasingly difficult to get a ride without paying higher fares. On WeChat, the author of a widely shared article titled โ€œA letter to Didi, an internet platform that makes my commute worseโ€ wroteย (in Chinese), โ€œSometimes I have to pay double to get a ride from Didiโ€ and โ€œSometimes I canโ€™t hail a car even by paying higher fares.โ€ In response, Didi published a statementย (in Chinese) today, saying that it will gradually close its flexible pricing algorithm based on the supply-demand balance on its platform in order to protect users.