Will China take over the moon? – China news from April 27, 2017

A roundup of todayโ€™s top China news. Get this free daily digest delivered to your inbox by signing up atย supchina.com/subscribe.

A successful test for Chinaโ€™s first cargo spacecraft

The top headline on all Chinese central state media organs for April 27 is a message of congratulationsย (in Chinese): Chinaโ€™s first cargo spacecraft, the Tianzhou 1, has completed a fuel resupply test with the Tiangong II space laboratory. The China Dailyย saysย that โ€œthe technology is crucial to Chinaโ€™s plan to establish a manned space station by about 2022.โ€ The Tianzhou 1 began a five-month mission on April 20 when it launched from Wenchang Space Launch Center on the island province of Hainan, and will conduct another two fueling tests during this time.

Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation heard opinionsย from four people working for companies engaged in the commercialization of outer space. Quartzย reportsย that the witnesses โ€œspoke about a standard laundry list of complaints, from regulatory burdens to fears of subsidized competitors,โ€ but that fear of the U.S. falling behind China animated much of the discussion. Robert Bigelow, the real estate mogul who founded Bigelow Aerospace, was particularly concerned about the possibility that China might โ€œlay claim to certain lunar territories.โ€

China vs. Guo Wengui: No ceasefire

The New York Timesย has looked intoย (paywall) the brief suspension of the Twitter account of Guo Wenguiย ้ƒญๆ–‡่ดต, a exiled Chinese billionaire residing in the U.S. who is publicizing allegations of corruption at the highest levels of the Communist Party. Twitter declined to comment, but the Timesย article quotes Rebecca MacKinnon, who studies internet companiesโ€™ policies and practices affecting usersโ€™ freedom of expression and privacy. She says that some authoritarian governments monitor โ€œaccounts of critics and opponents for apparent violations of the companiesโ€™ own terms of service, then flag them through the companiesโ€™ abuse-reporting channels.โ€

On the other side of the Pacific, Chinese state media has fired back at Guo with a new articleย in the China Dailyย about crimes that Guo is said to have committed, including taking out โ€œa fraudulent loan of 3.2 billion yuan ($464 million) from the Agricultural Bank of China using forged official seals, counterfeit contracts and fake invoices.โ€

Cross toppler moves to Environmental and Resources Protection role

Xia Baolong ๅคๅฎ้พ™, who has just stepped down from his position as Communist Party chief of Zhejiang Province, is best known for a campaign to remove crosses and demolish churches in the city of Wenzhou and other parts of Zhejiang. In The China Projectโ€™s newsletter of April 26, we noted a South China Morning Postย report that suggested that Xia might become head of a powerful Party organization that controls the Ministry of State Security. There has been no confirmation of such an appointment, but on April 27, Caixinย reportedย (in Chinese) that he has been named deputy director of the National Peopleโ€™s Congress Environment Protection and Resources Conservation Committee. It is unclear whether the move is temporary.

Sinica Podcast: How can we amplify womenโ€™s voices on China?

Joanna Chiu of Agence France Presseย and Lucy Hornby of the Financial Timesย discuss gender representation in China expertise; also, the public list of female China specialists they created to get more women quoted in the media and speaking on discussion panels.

This issue of the The China Projectย newsletter was produced by Sky Canaves, Lucas Niewenhuis, Jia Guo, and Jiayun Feng. More China stories worth your time are curated below, with the most important ones at the top of each section.


Anbang hemorrhages cash as rumors swirl about investigations

Caixinย notesย that the life insurance and property insurance subsidiaries of Anbang Insurance Group โ€œreported a net cash outflow of 5.7 billion yuan ($830 million) and 19.1 billion yuan respectively in the first quarter of this year,โ€ which analysts say โ€œindicates the companies paid more to clients who claimed back or canceled their policies than the income the companies could earn from insurance premiums.โ€ The article says the cash hemorrhage โ€œmight be related to tightened oversight over so-called โ€˜universal life insurance,โ€™ a type of policy that combines a death benefit with a high-return investment.โ€

Anbang came to global attention with an โ€œoverseas investment spree that included the purchase of the Waldorf Astoria New York in 2014,โ€ and has been in the news more recently for negotiating a multibillion-dollar financing deal for a New York building owned by the family of Jared Kushner, Donald Trumpโ€™s son-in-law. The deal was abandoned after media reports suggested possible impropriety.

In other news about Anbang, The Real Dealย reportsย on rumors circulating on Chinese social media that Anbang chief executive Wu Xiaohui ๅดๅฐๆ™– has been detained and investigated for corrupt activities, and that the companyโ€™s plans for overseas investments have all been suspended. The U.S.-based Chinese language news and gossip site Mingjingย has also commentedย (in Chinese) on the rumors. The Real Dealย says that โ€œAnbang denied that Wu had been detained and said its business operations were continuing as usual.โ€


Hong Kong and Taiwan feel the Beijing squeeze

The Hong Kong government is preparing for the 20th anniversary of its return to Chinese rule by arresting over a dozen key figures in the resistance to that rule, the New York Times reportsย (paywall). Nine pro-democracy advocates connected to protests last November were arrested on April 27 under charges including unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct in public, while the day before, two pro-independence politicians and three of their assistants were arrested for protests during oath-swearing ceremonies in Hong Kongโ€™s legislative council.

President Xi Jinpingย is expected to visit the former British colony in July, and democracy advocate Joshua Wong suggested the arrests were to โ€œprove that everything is under controlโ€ to Beijing. Speaking to the AFP, Wong was more blunt: โ€œI believe the police have set out to arrest all street activists so they wonโ€™t dare to protest when Xi Jinping visits.โ€ Wong himself still dares to protest: The Times reports that he is planning a โ€œlarge civil disobedience protestโ€ for July 1.

Beijing also sought to press its claims on Taiwan on April 27 through a measure requiring โ€œanyone who publishes or distributes national mapsโ€ to include it, along with almost all of the South China Sea, as part of China. The punishment for breaking the law could be as much as 1 million yuan ($145,000), an amount specifically chosen to โ€œintimidate,โ€ Reuters reports.

Taiwan is in an even tougher spot than usual with regards to China: Taiwanese human rights activist Lee Ming-Che ๆŽๆ˜Žๅ“ฒ was detainedย over a month ago in southern China, and has still not been released or even heard from. Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen flagged this as a major issue in an interviewย with Reuters, and two respected legal scholars, Jerome A. Cohen and Yu-Jie Chen, recently wroteย that the detention โ€œthreatens a key pillar of cross-straits relations.โ€


Danish ร–yster Cult

The Peopleโ€™s Dailyย reportsย that theย small Danish town Ribe, plagued by an invasion of an alien oyster species, has set its sights on hungry Chinese diners to tackle the problem. On April 24, the Danish embassy in Beijing published a storyย (in Chinese) on its official Weibo account, noting the failure of the Danish governmentโ€™s continuous efforts to encourage locals to consume these oysters. โ€œThese Pacific oysters have done huge damage to the coastal ecosystem here,โ€ the embassy wrote. โ€œPlease come to Denmark to eat these oysters, will you?โ€

Chinese internet users responded to the invitation with immense enthusiasm. The posting has so far garnered more than 14,000 comments on Weibo, with the most upvoted one reading, โ€œDenmark should loosen its visa requirements and invent an โ€˜oyster visaโ€™ for Chinese visitors that offers unlimited entries within 10 years and stays up to one month for each visit. These oysters will be gone in five years.โ€ When reached byย the Global Timesย on April 27, the embassy said in a written reply that it is โ€œthrilledโ€ to receive tourism ideas and recipes of how to cook oysters from Chinese internet users, and that Denmark would be happy to export these oysters to China with approval from the Chinese government.

Meanwhile, 2017 is the official China-Denmark Tourism Year. To commemorate this, the Danish prime minister, Lars Lรธkke Rasmussen, will visit China from May 2 to 4.