On video: The NEXT CHINA Conference

Did you miss the conference, or wish to see a recording after the fact? Purchase a recording for $28.88!
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[accept_stripe_payment name=”The China Project NEXT CHINA Conference Recording” price=”28.88″ button_text=”Buy now” description=”The China Project NEXT CHINA Conference Recording” url=”https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLst_XOeeaMNP-FPm8Rpf2L7BLIrVjcg-E”]
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[accept_stripe_payment name=”The China Project NEXT CHINA Conference Recording” price=”28.88″ button_text=”Buy now” description=”The China Project NEXT CHINA Conference Recording” url=”https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLst_XOeeaMNP-FPm8Rpf2L7BLIrVjcg-E”]