The China Project Q1 2019 Red Paper

Read our first of our new quarterly Red Paper series, in which we summarize the news from China three months at a time. This Q1 2019 Red Paperย is a guide to the trends and stories that mattered in the first three months of 2019, and the outlook for the rest of the Year of the Pig.

The report is 15 pages long, including the past three months of news summarized in just 11 pages, plus a section outlining 10 possible scenarios of game-changing news that could happen in 2019, based on our close reading of the news.

Topics highlighted in the Q1 2019 Red Paper include:

  • Conflicting public signals on Chinaโ€™s economic slowdown.
  • An update on the U.S.-China trade war, and why it appears to be heading towards an underwhelming end.
  • The escalating stakes of the case of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou.
  • Terrorism in Kashmir and the risk of war between Pakistan and India, and the risks for Beijing.
  • The current status of the U.S. governmentโ€™s campaign to persuade allies against using Chinese-made 5G telecoms technology.

The Q1 2019 Red Paper is available for purchase on our The China Project Shop for $25.00, OR included for FREE with the purchase of a The China Project Access subscription ($8.88/month, $88/year). Click hereย to learn more.

Click the images below to preview the first three pages of the report: