Rhino horn and organized crime, from Africa to China and Vietnam


Play episode:

Investigative reporters John Grobler and Shi Yi and history professor Nicole Elizabeth Barnes discuss the illegal rhino horn trade between Africa and Asia.

John Grobler is a Namibian investigative reporter who has devoted more than two years of his life to examining the complex webs of organized crime that funnel rhino horn from Africa to East Asia. Shi Yi ็Ÿณๆฏ…, a Chinese environmental reporter, worked with him and went undercover posing as a businessperson to meet and report on the young Chinese men who engage in this nefarious activity abroad. Jeremy chatted with both of them when he attended the Africa-China Journalists Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa, in November 2016 (listen to his other conversations with African journalists on last weekโ€™s Sinica Podcast).

Separately, Kaiser interviewed Nicole Elizabeth Barnes of Duke University, an expert on Chinese medicine. Nicole, John, and Shi Yi all discussed Chinaโ€™s role in the illegal rhino horn trade, debunking myths about its use as an aphrodisiac and explaining how upper-class and status-conscious Chinese and Vietnamese are fueling demand for this and other rare natural products.

All three recommend that listeners support WildAid, one of the foremost organizations campaigning against the poaching of elephants and black rhinos. John also recommends supporting Oxpeckers, an African environmental investigative reporting unit that supports his work in Namibia. Nicole further recommends supporting the World Wildlife Fundย andย the Nature Conservancy, as well as marking World Rhino Day, September 22, on your calendar to raise awareness of the work thatย CITESย and TRAFFICย do to monitor and crack down on illegal wildlife trade.