#13 Crowded clubs and fancy festivals: The live music industry in China


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Clubs and live performances featuring international music started taking off in China in the 1980s. Initially, the scene was very focused on foreign diplomats, journalists, and students who rented out restaurants and other spaces on the weekends. Gradually, as policies governing public radio broadcasts underwent reforms that allowed the performance of international music, a broader audience had access to the genre. Fast-forward to the present day: There is no shortage of music festivals, clubs, and other venues in China that feature performances by artists from around the world — to the extent that, if current trends continue, electronic music will be the most popular genre on Chinese radio airwaves by the early 2020s. In this live recording of the Middle Earth Podcast at the 2019 WISE festival, a few industry insiders discuss the current trends in this lively line of work.


Philipp Grefer – founder, WISE and Fake Music Media

Philipp’s LinkedIn | WISE website | Fake Music Media website

Isla Angus – booking agent, ATC Live | ATC website

Paul Neuteboom – managing director, Brother Hood Music

BHM website | BHM WeChat ID: bhm_music

Fay Haixuan Wang – Vice President at China Minsheng Cultural Media Development

ISY music festival website | ISY music festival WeChat ID: isymusicfestival

Chang Liu – chief operating officer, Pillz Records

Pillz Records WeChat ID: WeArePillz

Chang Youdai – radio and club DJ

Recommended watching and listening:

Cui Jian 崔健, the “Father of Chinese Rock”: Wikipedia

Tang Dynasty 唐朝乐队, often credited as the first Chinese heavy metal band: Wikipedia