The first 100 days: Did China tame Trump?

A brief subject-by-subject breakdown of Trumpโ€™s twists and turns on China since January 20.

China policy is perhaps the most prominent of many issuesย where Trump has been unpredictable. China-bashing was at the core of Trumpโ€™s campaign stump speech, leading to widely-heldย expectations of a dramaticย revamp of U.S.-China relations under the Trump presidency.

So far, the change has been underwhelming.

The subject is complicated by the existence of a large gap between the rhetoric of Trump โ€” a political novice โ€” and key members of his administration, such asย Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who have articulated positions on China much more conventional than the president. But how has the president himself impacted U.S.-China relations in his first 100 days in office?

Here are five stories to keep in mind, arranged roughly in chronological order. In all of them so far, there is every indication that Trump is heading toward a much more conventional approach โ€” likely strongly influenced by advice from Mattis and Tillerson, among others โ€” on China than anticipated prior to his taking office.

The Taiwan issue

  • Before he formally took office, Trump caused a small foreign policy crisis on December 2, 2016, when he accepted a callย from Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen. The call threatened to breakย a core principle upon which relations between Washington and Beijing are based, called the โ€œone-China policy.โ€
  • Trump chose to escalate rather than deescalate the tension for over two months, until,ย as president, heย spoke withย Chinese President Xi Jinping on February 10 and flip-flopped, reaffirming the one-China policy.
  • On April 28, his 99th day in office, Trump further rebuked Taiwan by praising President Xi and sayingย he would like โ€œto speak to him firstโ€ before contacting Taiwan again.

Xi and Trump: The personal relationship

  • After the initial bombshell call with Taiwan, and combined with the many disparaging remarks Trump had made about China on the campaign trail, observers widely expected the first meeting of the American and Chinese presidents to be difficult. Trump himself confirmedย this expectation as he tweeted on March 30, โ€œThe meeting next week with China will be a very difficult one in that we can no longer have massive trade deficitsโ€ฆand job losses. American companies must be prepared to look at other alternatives.โ€
  • The visit of Xi Jinping to Mar-a-Lago on April 6, however, went largely without awkward moments, and Trump has since repeatedly claimedย to have developed a โ€œfriendshipโ€ with the Chinese president. Two more recent phone calls between Trump and Xi, on April 12ย and April 24, appeared to have been conducted professionally. In other words, the personal relations between the bombastic American and the measured Chinese leader have also appeared to become much more conventional than widely anticipated.

Currency manipulation

  • The most specific promise Trump made concerning China on the campaign trail was to label the country a currency manipulator โ€œon day oneโ€ of his administration. The promise was a regular feature of Trumpโ€™s stump speech, and put into writing in a 2015 Wall Street Journal op-edย (paywall)ย by Trump as candidate. The promise also was featured in an October 2016 campaign documentย titled โ€œDonald Trumpโ€™s Contract with the American Voter,โ€ย though there it was made in the context of a โ€œ100-day action plan,โ€ rather than a strict โ€œday oneโ€ time frame.
  • It didnโ€™t happen. Day one went by without a peep from Trump on China, and not even 100 days went by before Trump flip-flopped and declaredย thatย the Chinese are โ€œnot currency manipulatorsโ€ on April 12 in an interviewย (paywall) with the Wall Street Journal. This, like with Taiwan, is a return to the status quo U.S. policy on China.

North Korea

  • Trump then connected currency issues to North Korea, which has become the primary focus of Trump in his communication with China. On April 16, he tweeted, โ€œWhy would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens!โ€
  • We still have yet to see what happens, but Trumpโ€™s oscillation between pushingย China to do more on North Korea, and admittingย that itโ€™s not an easy problem to solve, is entirely normal practice for an American administration. Chinaโ€™s announcement that it was denying coal shipments from North Korea was โ€œin line with U.N. economic sanctions that China voted for last yearโ€ before Trump assumed the presidency, Politifactย stated.
  • Trumpโ€™s love of provocativeย rhetoric, and the increasingly imminent threat of a North Korea capable of reaching the mainland U.S. with a nuclear missile, appear to be the primary drivers of difference between this and previous administrations. These are policy differences of degree, rather than type.
  • The American administration suffered a major communications misstep when Trump declaredย โ€œWe are sending an armada, very powerful,โ€ to North Korea on April 10, but the military maneuver never happenedย as described. The threat of military action against North Korea, however, is an entirely routine bluffย from the United States.

All other major issues deferred

  • The other primary Trump-China story of the first 100 days is just how many major issues have been deferred, and how Trumpโ€™s twitter feed has largely cooled off and become less critical of China.
  • On trade and U.S. business in China:ย Chinese and American officials agreedย at Mar-a-Lago to kick off a โ€œ100-dayโ€ period of negotiation, kicking the can down the road and raising expectations that a relatively moderate outcome would be reached.
  • On the South and East China Seas:ย Trump suddenly became muted once assuming office. Mattis and Tillerson had previously made statements opposing Chinaโ€™s claims in these ocean areas, though no concrete action has been taken on this issue by the Trump administration in the first 100 days.
  • Onย human rights:ย Trump has never spoken much about this issue, though Susan Thornton, acting assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs at the U.S. State Department, confirmed in an interviewย on the Sinica Podcast that the U.S. plans to continue raising it through regular diplomatic channels. She also confirmed that Trump had brought up human rights at Mar-a-Lago, continuing normal practice for American presidents dealing with China (listen starting at the 48-minute mark).
  • All told, Chinaโ€™s government and state media have apparently adoptedย a general policy of cozying up to Trump, figuring that if they treat him well, heโ€™ll treat them well. In other words, the Chinese governmentโ€™s position on Trump so far confirms the perception that this American administration is flexible on China policy, and that with patience and small concessions from China, Trump is unlikely to implement radical change in U.S.-China relations.