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290 articles matching the search query.
The Chinese diaspora ‘needs to rise up’ about atrocities against Uyghurs — Q&A with human rights lawyer Rayhan Asat
Rayhan Asat comments on China’s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, the Muslim world’s silence on ongoing rights abuses against Uyghurs in China, and the responsibility of the Chinese diaspora in advocating for human rights.
October 30, 2023 Source: The China Project
When ‘poverty alleviation’ means forced labor for Uyghurs
Outside of the well-documented internment camp system, the Poverty Alleviation through Labor Transfer program is normalizing forced labor for Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples in China, according to a new report.
October 26, 2023 Source: The China Project
Gold mined by Uyghurs forced to work for Chinese firms ends up in Western investments and products, report shows
Blackstone, State Street, and Vanguard; Dell, Google, J&J, and Sony among global firms linked to mining conditions akin to slavery.
October 11, 2023 Source: The China Project
Long prison sentence for book-loving Uyghur who tried to preserve history and culture for kids
In January 2018, China sentenced writer, critic, and educator Yalqun Rozi to 15 years in prison for “splittism” and “extremist ideas.”
October 5, 2023 Source: The China Project
The world’s solar panel industry is still powered by Uyghur forced labor
“Clean” and “dirty” supply chains perpetuate modern slavery among Turkic minorities, a report from researchers at Sheffield Hallam University shows.
September 14, 2023 Source: The China Project
Beijing keeps exiled Uyghurs in the dark about relatives in China
The Chinese Communist Party is breaking international laws and ignoring treaties as it continues systematically breaking apart Turkic Muslim families.
September 7, 2023 Source: The China Project
U.S. lawmakers want to restrict sales of gene sequencing tech to China
Some major American firms stand to lose business if Congress, citing human rights abuses, requires regulation of sales to China.
September 7, 2023 Source: The China Project
Canada probes Walmart, Hugo Boss, Diesel, and Nike about forced Uyghur labor
Activists urged a Canadian government labor watchdog to investigate 14 big-brand firms alleged to be profiting by turning a blind eye to abusive conditions in China. Fast-fashion giant Shein is also under scrutiny.
August 31, 2023 Source: The China Project
A Uyghur mother pleaded for her detained son. Now she’s missing, too.
Last month, police in Xinjiang took away Rahile Jalalidin after she protested the 15-year prison sentence given to her son, Zulyar, on a charge of “separatism.” Zulyar’s acquaintances, speaking to The China Project, say the charge seems implausible.
August 28, 2023 Source: The China Project
Xi Jinping orders officials to persist with hard-line Xinjiang policies
On his way home from the BRICS summit in South Africa, China’s leader stopped off in Xinjiang, where he urged senior Party officials to persist with harsh policies intended to “Sinicize” Islam and the culture of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other ethnic groups.
August 27, 2023 Source: The China Project
Hikvision still sells Uyghur-tracking surveillance cameras, and they use NVIDIA chips
Hikvision proudly calls itself “the world’s largest video surveillance manufacturer,” but it doesn’t want the world to know that the Chinese government uses its AI-enabled technology for racial profiling.
August 17, 2023 Source: The China Project
Uyghur dentist held hostage in Xinjiang as his wife and daughter wait in vain in the U.S.
Ablimit Abliz, a dentist in Ürümqi, has not been accused of any crime, but the government won’t let him leave or speak freely to his wife, Adalet Sabit, who lives in Virginia. Their case is far from unique.
August 10, 2023 Source: The China Project
Uyghur artist turned journalist paints to process painful news of his homeland
Mamatjan Juma is the deputy director of the Uyghur Service of Radio Free Asia. He is also an accomplished painter.
August 2, 2023 Source: The China Project
Martin Dimitrov on ‘Dictatorship and Information’ and how the CCP stays in power
A scholar of communist and post-communist regimes talks to Christopher Marquis about his latest book.
July 28, 2023 Source: The China Project
American soul singer and Turkish poet release song to protest Uyghur suffering
Della Miles starred in Michael Jackson’s “Sisterella” and sang backup for Whitney Houston. Now she hopes the song “East Turkistan” will stir listeners to action.
July 27, 2023 Source: The China Project
China pressured Turkey to bust Uyghur bookseller
Is an Istanbul bookstore guilty of copyright infringement or cultural preservation?
July 20, 2023 Source: The China Project
The people helping Uyghur children struggling to build new lives in Turkey
Addiction, homelessness, and low self-esteem plague Turkic Muslim youth cast adrift, far from the financial and emotional support of families locked down in China since 2016. The China Project spoke to older Uyghur exiles dedicated to making positive change.
July 13, 2023 Source: The China Project
‘Seven-Five’ unleashed official clampdown Uyghurs suffer 14 years later
On July 5, 2009, peaceful protests in Urumqi sought justice for Uyghurs murdered at a southern China toy factory. Three eyewitnesses recall the violence that erupted.
July 5, 2023 Source: The China Project
Exiled Uyghurs push UN to press China for account of relatives detained for being Muslim
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention demands release and reparations for Uyghurs jailed by Beijing illegally, for no crime.
June 29, 2023 Source: The China Project
Elderly Uyghurs die alone in jail, detained on trumped-up charges
In Xinjiang, grandparents in their sixties, seventies, eighties, and nineties are forced to learn Chinese and subjected to endless Communist Party propaganda in an ongoing campaign to wipe out Uyghur culture.
June 22, 2023 Source: The China Project