#17 Artful Entrepreneurs: Running a Cultural Venue in Beijing


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This week on the Middle Earth Podcast, Aladin sits down over a pint with Sun Yao (孙遥), the proprietor of his favorite local cultural venue-cum-cafe, to talk about the business end of the cultural industry in China. Like the owners of many niche bars and cafes across China, Sun seeks to turn a profit at his hutong establishment, Camera Stylo, by screening films, hosting live events, and otherwise trying to make art pay.

A film buff and dedicated entrepreneur, Sun shares his four years of experience running a small business in the hutongs of Beijing trying to bring films and cultural conversations to his diverse clientele. In spite of a rough early start — some of which he spent sleeping in the cafe itself — Sun has managed to ensure Camera Stylo has been able to survive and thrive in a challenging environment.


Sun Yao: Proprietor | Camera Stylo

Camera Stylo WeChat Account: CameraStylo

And, as usual, your host, Aladin Farré.

Aladin’s LinkedIn | Aladin’s Twitter

Middle Earth is made by China Compass Productions. If you have a China-themed film project, please get in touch!

Recommended watching and listening:

Aotu Space 凹凸空间 | WeChat Account: aotuspace_bj

China Film Archive 中国电影资料馆 | Website