#19 from Broadway to Beijing: Western Theater in the Middle Kingdom


Play episode:

Lured by a potentially large and lucrative market, major theater productions are increasingly making the jump from the bright lights of Broadway or the West End to the less familiar but no less lively avenues of the Bund or the Second Ring Road. Yet, according to Gaultier Létourneau-Ross, director of operations at a Canadian company that assists foreign theater troupes seeking to perform in China, much remains to be worked out in terms of effectively producing these types of international productions — from marketing and filling seats to staging and censorship.


Gaultier Létourneau-Ross: Director of Operations | Saimen

Gaultier’s LinkedIn | Saimen’s website

And, as usual, your host, Aladin Farré.

Aladin’s LinkedIn | Aladin’s Twitter

Middle Earth is made by China Compass Productions. If you have a China-themed cultural project, please get in touch!

Recommended watching and listening:

Sleep No More: An English-language immersive play that has been staged in Shanghai for the past two years.

Team Lab: A Japanese group that creates interactive art.

Shen Yun: A U.S.-based performing arts and entertainment company (closely linked to Falun Gong).

Wuzhen Theater Festival: One of the biggest Chinese theater festivals, which was launched in 2013.