#31 The visual effects industry in China


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John Dietz of BangBang Pictures has worked on over 30 movies in China, ranging from blockbuster films to micro-budget independent projects. He has seen the domestic visual effects (VFX) industry grow tremendously since moving to China in 2009, and works as a third party who handles top-to-bottom implementation of VFX for film projects. In this episode, he shares with Aladin a few tricks of the trade, including how he finds success working with international teams, and provides details about the logistics of some of the projects that he has worked on.

Middle Earth is made by China Compass Productions. If you have a China-themed cultural project, please get in touch!

With thanks to Brenden Gonsalves for graphic design and Sean Calvo for music support.


Animal World (动物世界 2019), a Chinese action-adventure film.

Lost in Russia (囧妈 2020), a Chinese comedy that can be seen for free on Douyin.

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