Chinese philanthropy in the 21st century


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Emily Weaver, a social impact and philanthropy consultant who was based in China for over a decade, joins Chenni and Cindy as their guest this week. She has worked with major philanthropic organizations, such as Jet Li’s One Foundation and the Clinton Foundation, and is a founding member of the China Philanthropy Research Institute and the China Global Philanthropy Institute.

In this episode, Emily provides detail on individual and digital gift-giving in China (as opposed to major contributions from large corporations or wealthy donors), the role women play in shaping the future of non-governmental and philanthropic work in China, and how the sector has changed since China’s new law governing foreign non-governmental organizations took effect in 2016.

For self-care, Emily recommends spending more time outside and taking some time to slow down. Chenni recommends yoga, baths, and meditation. Cindy recommends sending postcards and letters to friends.


Emily: The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir, by Samantha Power.

Chenni: The movie Little Women, directed by Greta Gerwig.

Cindy: Episode 690 of the podcast This American Life: “How Do I Say This?”.

This podcast was edited and produced by Jason MacRonald.