Observing Taiwan’s presidential election


Play episode:

Maggie Lewis, a law professor at Seton Hall University, discusses the recent presidential election in Taiwan, where she and other Chinese and Taiwanese legal scholars took part as independent observers. Maggie and Kaiser also discuss domestic Taiwanese politics, the impact of demographic and social trends within the context of the election, and cross-Strait relations in 2020.

4:49: Political posturing toward the P.R.C.

14:51: How the Hong Kong protests affected the election in Taiwan

24:48: China, and Taiwanese independence

32:18: The political views of Tsai Ing-wen

37:00: Did China interfere in Taiwan’s presidential election?


Maggie: Two recommendations related to the Pacific Northwest, where Maggie went to school: the band Sleater-Kinney and the Portland bookstore Powell’s.

Kaiser: The Light That Failed: Why the West Is Losing the Fight for Democracy, by Ivan Krasnev and Stephen Holmes.

This podcast was edited and produced by Kaiser Kuo and Jason MacRonald.