Online under lockdown: How brands and businesses can navigate the coronavirus epidemic


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With China on lockdown due to the COVID-19 epidemic, offline retail is nearly nonexistent and ecommerce has slowed, since logistics companies are unable to deliver goods. But industries such as gaming, health and fitness, and online education are booming. 

How should brands handle these complex times? What can they do to support consumers and set themselves up to recoup losses once the crisis has passed? 

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

疫情之下,企业该如何做营销? (“How to do business under the coronavirus?”), by 刀姐doris

我们统计了800名抖音快手达人,谁是今年春节档最大的“黑马 (“We gathered 800 Kuaishou and Douyin experts — who is this year’s “dark horse”?), by Short Video Production House

Responding to the coronavirus: strategic brand advice, by United Media Solution

This podcast was edited and produced by Jason MacRonald.