Concrete actions on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration

Politics & Current Affairs

Top politics and current affairs news for February 24, 2017. Part of the daily The China Projectย news roundup "A whirlwind set to shake up Chinaโ€™s banks."

  • Travel card provides convenience for local commutersย / China Daily
    โ€œBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei integrationโ€ (ไบฌๆดฅๅ†€ไธ€ไฝ“ๅŒ– jฤซng jฤซn jรฌ yฤซtวhuร ), or the collective development of Chinaโ€™s two largest northeastern cities together with the province that surrounds them, has been a goal of the central government for years. In 2016, the Peopleโ€™s Daily putย โ€œJing-Jin-Jiโ€ โ€” as the planned supercity area of 130 million people is called in Chinese โ€” on a year-end listย of President Xi Jinpingโ€™s favorite phrases. However, with the exception of some road and railway construction, the plans have largely been rhetoric since being announced. Today, the China Daily notes that โ€œa new travel card will enable passengers to use all metro systems throughout Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province by the end of this year.โ€ This may become the first concrete step that allows residents of all three zones to feel part of a larger geo-economic zone. Also today, Xinhua published a reportย (in Chinese) that highlights President Xiโ€™s emphasis of Jing-Jin-Jiโ€™s important place in Chinaโ€™s most recent five-year development plan. See hereย for a 2015 New York Times story and video (paywalled) by Ian Johnson describing the ambitious plans.
  • China and North Korea reveal sudden, and deep, cracks in their friendshipย / NYT (paywall)
    The New York Times reports that the long-held โ€œfacadeโ€ of friendly China-North Korea relations is cracking, to the point that some Chinese analysts have said that recent weeks have marked the relationshipโ€™s โ€œlowest point since the founding of the North as a separate country after World War II.โ€ The separate events of China ceasing coal importsย from the rogue nation and the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-unโ€™s half brother, who was assumed to be under the protectionย of China, were already significant strains on relations between the two countries. Divisions were laid clear, however, when North Koreaโ€™s state media directed โ€œsome of the most damning insults in its playbookโ€ toward China, such as that the country is โ€œdancing to the tune of the U.S.โ€ Soon after the unusual breach of media protocol between the two countries, the further revelation that North Korean assassins may have used a rare, outlawed chemical weapon in their mission has likely further dimmed Chinese leadersโ€™ view of North Korea.