BBC China editor quits over unequal pay
Carrie Gracie, a 30-year veteran of the British state broadcaster, resigns after pay revelations. She accused the company of having a “secretive and illegal pay culture” that gave “at least 50% more” to male international editors.

The BBC reports on its own troubles: “The BBC‘s China editor Carrie Gracie has resigned from her post, citing pay inequality with male colleagues.”
- Gracie is a highly respected correspondent, and has been at the BBC for more than 30 years.
- In an open letter, Gracie accused the BBC of having a “secretive and illegal pay culture,” and said that it was facing a “crisis of trust,” after revelations that more than two-thirds of its highest-paid stars are male.
- The BBC was compelled by the British government in July 2017 “to reveal the salaries of all employees earning more than £150,000 [$203,000] a year,” and Gracie “was dismayed to discover the BBC‘s two male international editors earned ‘at least 50% more’ than its two female counterparts.”
- A recent highlight of Gracie’s work: Murder in the Lucky Holiday Hotel, a five-part tale of the fall of former Chongqing Party boss Bo Xilai 薄熙来 and his wife’s murder of Englishman Neil Heywood.
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