Visa restrictions and the Chinese Exclusion Act

Politics & Current Affairs

The Associated Press reportsย that the Trump administration โ€œplans to shorten the length of validity for some visas issued to Chinese citizensโ€ as part of a campaign โ€œto counter alleged theft of U.S. intellectual property by Beijing.โ€

  • โ€œChinese graduate students will be limited to one-year visas if they are studying in fields like robotics, aviation and high-tech manufacturing,โ€ according to an unnamed U.S. official.
  • Those areas are prioritiesย in the governmentโ€™s Made in China 2025 manufacturing plan.
  • On the subject of keeping Chinese people out of America, The Chinese Exclusion Act, a documentary film about the 1882 law that made it illegal for Chinese workers to come to America and for Chinese nationals to become U.S. citizens, is now available free online. Itโ€™s really worth your time.