Editor’s note for December 21, 2022

A note for Access newsletter readers from Jeremy Goldkorn

My thoughts today:

Our words of the day are a trio of set phrases used by Chinese Foreign Minister Wáng Yì 王毅 about his meeting with his Australian counterpart, Penny Wong:

Promote the return of China-Australia relations to original intentions, calibrate the course, repack and start again.


Tuīdòng zhōng ào guānxì huíguī chūxīn, jiàozhǔn hángxiàng, chóng zhěng háng zhuāng zài chūfā.

Xí Jìnpíng 习近平 often says, “Don’t forget the original intentions” (不忘初心 bù wàng chūxīn) to remind the Communist Party to stay true to its original intentions.