Editor’s note for July 5, 2023

A note for Access newsletter readers from Jeremy Goldkorn.

Dear reader:

Deglobalization continues apace, with this week’s news of China’s new export restrictions on gallium and germanium, two metals used in semiconductor manufacturing and many other hi-tech industries.

But as some links and supply chains are severed or obstructed, others are being created or renewed. Today we also look at China’s new push for an alternative cargo transport route to Europe that avoids bellicose Russia, and at China’s long relationship with the landlocked African country of Zambia. The latter is part of our ongoing China Ties series, which examines China’s links to countries around the world that are usually absent from Anglophone news reporting.

Click through from the above links for details, or scroll down for summaries.

Our Words of the Day are: gallium and germanium (镓 jiā and 锗 zhě).