NEXTChina 2021

The China Project held our annual NEXTChina Conference online and live in New York last week. These were the highlights:

nextchina conference

Day 1

Ryan Hass gave the opening keynote based on his book Stronger: Adapting America’s China Strategy in an Age of Competitive Interdependence.

Catherine Pan, partner and corporate group head at Dorsey, moderated a fireside chat with Fred Hu, founder, chairman, and CEO, Primavera Capital Group, and Angela Chao, CEO, Foremost Group, an American shipping company with worldwide operations.

nextchina panel china post pandemic

Evan Feigenbaum, vice president at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, moderated the panel China in the Post-Pandemic World Order with Adam Tooze, professor at Columbia University and director of the European Institute, Yasheng Huang, professor of Global Economics, MIT, and Yun Sun, director of the Stimson Center.

nextchina panel corporate america

James McGregor, Greater China chairman, APCO Worldwide, led the discussion for Corporate America Is Confronting the China Conundrum with Sarah Kutulakos, executive director, Canada China Business Council, Nancy A. Fischer, international trade global adviser, Pillsbury, and Lili Zheng, deputy managing partner, U.S. Chinese Services Group, Deloitte.

SupChinaโ€™s Jeremy Goldkorn and Kaiser Kuo asked Will China Survive the Red New Deal? To help answer, they spoke to Jude Blanchette, Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS, and Lizzi C. Lee, economist turned journalist at Wall St TV.

Chairman and CIO of Value Partners Group, one of Asia’s largest asset managers, Cheah Cheng Hye, ended the first day with a live briefing from Hong Kong on the view from the Pearl River Delta.

Day 2

Joyce Chang, chair of Global Research at J.P. Morgan, gave the keynote on her outlook for Chinaโ€™s economy.

Peter Hessler, perhaps the best-loved writer on China working in English today, joined The China Projectโ€™s Kaiser Kuo and Jeremy Goldkorn for a Sinica Podcast, recorded live onstage.

nextchina panel make money in china

Jerry Wang, CEO and Founder, Haitou Global moderated a discussion titled: Can you still make money in China? with Craig Allen, President of the U.S. China Business Council and former U.S. Ambassador, Winston Ma, former director at CIC, Founding Partner, CloudTree Ventures and author of The Digital War, and Wayne Silby, Chairman of SynTao.