News roundup: Chinese troops in Afghanistan

Top China news for February 6, 2017. Get this daily digest delivered to your inbox by signing up atย

PLA patrols in the Wakhan Corridor

Afghanistan and China share a border less than 60 miles long, and there is no modern road that crosses the Wakhan Corridor, the narrow strip of territory that connects the two countries and separates Tajikistan from Pakistan.

This has not stopped Chinese companies from investing across Afghanistan, particularly in copper mining. Chinaโ€™s perceived neutrality in Central Asia and the Middle East has allowed it to come to an understanding with the Talibanย about the security of the Mes Aynak copper mine, which was signed over to Chinaโ€™s state-owned Metallurgical Group Corporation in 2008, although just last week that mine attracted critical news coverage because its exploitation will resultย in the destruction of ancient Buddhist relics. Afghanistan has also become an important symbolic part of Xi Jinpingโ€™s New Silk Road (aka One Belt, One Road) project: In September last year, the first freight train to travel from China to Afghanistan arrived in the northern city of Hairatan.

Many American observers have complained for over a decade that China has been enjoying the relative stability and security provided by the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan without contributing to it. But those complaints may soon be replaced with new suspicions if โ€” or rather when โ€” China starts to play a more active military role in Central Asia. Over the weekend, the Central Asia Caucasus Analystย reportedย that โ€œoverwhelming evidence,โ€ including photographs, an eyewitness account, and statements from observers, including one from a โ€œChinese official familiar with the matter,โ€ shows that Peopleโ€™s Liberation Army (PLA) troops have โ€œundertaken joint patrols with their Afghan (and possibly also Tajik) counterparts on Afghan soil.โ€ The reason for the patrols is most likely โ€œChinese concerns about illicit cross-border movements, in particular of alleged Uyghur extremists.โ€

The Afghan and Chinese governments, interestingly, continue to downplay or even deny the extent to which their militaries cooperate. For more context on Chinaโ€™s gradually increasing involvement in Afghan security issues over the past couple of years, see these two Wall Street Journalย reports from February 2015ย and March 2016.

Another brick in the cyber wall

In November last year, Beijing adopted a cybersecurity lawย that required technology companies and internet operators to cooperate with criminal and national security investigations, and hand over source code and other sensitive or proprietary data when the authorities deem it necessary. That law apparently did not go far enough for the increasingly anxious Cyberspace Administration of China, which on the weekend announced the draft version of yet another set of measures to control companies that offer internet products and services. The English version of Global Times, a state-owned tabloid newspaper, saidย that the intention is to โ€œprevent online products and services from being manipulated by foreign forces and safeguard Party and government departments.โ€ The draft measures are available in Chinese online hereย together with email and physical addresses to which the public is invited to send comments until March 4.

Mari-Cha Lion exhibition in Hong Kong

Our featured partner this week has a fascinating cross-cultural art exhibition in Hong Kong running until February 19. The centerpiece is the Mari-Cha Lion, a rare mid-11th- to mid-12th-century South Italian bronze sculpture bearing Arabic decorations, on show together with a selection of Asian objects from the Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection and other private collections, as well as contemporary artworks by seven Asian artists. Click hereย for details.

Chinese deep-sea submersible begins Indian Ocean expedition

A ship carrying the Jiaolongย (่›Ÿ้พ™ jiฤolรณng), Chinaโ€™s new manned deep-sea submersible, today set sailย for a four-month scientific expedition to the northwest Indian Ocean. The Jiaolong is reported to have the greatest depth range of any manned research vehicle in the world, although it has not yet broken the depth records set by the Bathyscaphe Triesteย or the Deepsea Challenger, which was famously piloted by filmmaker James Cameron.

Live Sinicaย tapings in Beijing

If youโ€™re in Beijing on February 11 or 14, please come to a live taping of the Sinica Podcast โ€” see the details here.

โ€”Jeremy Goldkorn, Editor in Chief

This issue of the The China Projectย newsletter was produced by Sky Canaves, Lucas Niewenhuis, and Jiayun Feng. More China stories worth your time are curated below, with the most important ones at the top of each section.


  • Chinaโ€™s intelligent weaponry gets smarterย / NYT (paywall)
    The U.S. โ€œno longer has a strategic monopolyโ€ on military technology that integrates artificial intelligence (AI), such as long-range missiles that avoid defenses and make targeting decisions semi-autonomously and speech-recognition software that can be applied for surveillance. Chinese businesses have recently made key moves forward in AI research: Less than a month ago, tech giant Baidu hired top AI engineer Qi Luย over from Microsoft, but Chinese companies have been investing in the space for years (listen to this Sinica Podcastย with Andrew Ng, chief scientist of Baidu for more). Military-applied AI has a smoother path in China, where technology companies and the government have a โ€œcozy relationship,โ€ whereas the U.S. tech world is stuck in a dilemma made public as a result of the Snowden revelations: Silicon Valley companies must keep a distance from the U.S. government in order to expand into the China market, or partner with the Pentagon and get shut out from China.


  • China welcomes Mattisโ€™s emphasis on South China Sea diplomacyย / Reuters
    A recent buildup of U.S.-China tensionsย and anxiety among U.S. officialsย has diffused slightly following comments made during a visit to Japan by the new U.S. secretary of defense, Jim Mattis. Mattis affirmed a commitment to โ€œexhaust all…diplomatic effortsโ€ to resolve South China Sea issues, adding that โ€œat this time, we do not see any need for dramatic military moves.โ€ Nonetheless, Mattisโ€™s remarks that the U.S. will continue to defend Japanโ€™s position on the islands it claims to the east of China and will continue to support a missile defense system in South Korea frustratedย the Chinese foreign ministry.
  • Senior Chinese health official to attend Vatican summit on organ traffickingย / SCMP
    Reflecting Chinaโ€™s new push to voice opposition to organ trafficking (the practice of harvesting organs from prisoners was legal in the country up until 2015), and perhaps connected to recent efforts to establish diplomatic ties between China and the Catholic Church,ย a top Chinese health official will attend a Vatican summit on organ trafficking this week. For more background on controversial organ donation regulations in China, see thisย South China Morning Post report. For more on the recent unsteady outreach between Chinese and Vatican officials, see this Sinica Podcastย and a follow-up Q&Aย with Ian Johnson, a veteran journalist and scholar of religious issues in China.


  • The Peopleโ€™s Daily urges โ€œnon-commercial surrogate motherhoodโ€ย / Peopleโ€™s Daily (in Chinese)
    On Friday, the Peopleโ€™s Dailyย published an articleย arguing for a relaxation of regulations on โ€œnon-commercial surrogate motherhoodโ€ because infertility is a common problem for many Chinese people, especially older couples who want to have a second child under the new birth policy. According to the article, of the roughly 90 million Chinese couples who are eligible to have a second child, 60 percent of wives are over 35 years old, and 50 percent are over 40. Peopleโ€™s Dailyย also launched a poll on the social media site Weibo to ask readersโ€™ opinions, but the poll was removed after attracting large waves of online criticism. Comments includedย โ€œThe government has no sense of shame at all in encouraging families to have more babiesโ€ and โ€œWhat does non-commercial surrogacy mean? Who is willing to do this if not for money?โ€
  • Rong Jian on thought and scholarship in Chinaย / The China Story
    Rong Jian ่ฃๅ‰‘ was a Ph.D. candidate in Marxist philosophy at Renmin University in Beijing in 1989. His academic career was derailed by the tumult of that year, and he became a businessman. In 2010, he began publishing essays on society, philosophy, and the place of intellectuals in China. His latest essay is provocatively titled โ€œA China Bereft of Thought.โ€ The link above connects to an introduction and translation of the essay by the scholar Gloria Davies.

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