U.S. to investigate Chinese aluminum dumping

Business & Technology

CNBC reportsย that U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross โ€œhas used the powers of his department for the first time in 20 years to self-initiate antidumping duty and countervailing duty casesโ€ against China, covering โ€œmore than $600 million worth of importsย of common alloy aluminum sheet from China.โ€

  • Ross says โ€œthere is available evidence that indicates Chinese producers are selling aluminum sheet in the U.S. at prices that are less than fair value and that the Chinese government is providing unfair subsidies to producers of aluminum sheet.โ€
  • The last time a self-initiated anti-dumping duty investigation occurred in the U.S. was in 1985, when the Commerce Department looked at semiconductors from Japan.
  • If the Commerce Department finds dumping or unfair subsidization has happened, U.S. Customs and Border Protection will start collecting cash deposits from all U.S. companies importing aluminum sheet from China.
  • The investigation into countervailing duties will wrap up in April 2018, while the anti-dumping investigation will conclude in July 2018.