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28 articles matching the search query.
Rooftop solar is a rational and important step in China’s path to peak coal use: A rebuttal
The focus on China’s growth in coal-fired plants is misguided as its growth in renewable energy ensures they’ll see less use. And solar power in Shandong Province — although it is only moderately sunny — actually makes a lot of sense.
October 25, 2023 Source: The China Project
China is going to use less coal, despite reports to the contrary
Hydro, wind, and solar power are stabilizing, and burning the dirtiest of fossil fuels is near the plateau it must reach before coal is dethroned.
September 21, 2023 Source: The China Project
China’s worst coal mine disasters
Coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, especially in China, where loosely enforced safety laws and substandard equipment make for perilous working conditions.
February 28, 2023 Source: The China Project
Build first, destroy later: China is slowly replacing dirty coal with clean nuclear heating
China has entered the nuclear heating age with three new cogeneration nuclear heating plants as part of the government’s attempts to get rid of burning dirty coal to heat the north of the country during the winter.
November 18, 2022 Source: The China Project
The coal that powered China to prosperity
In October of 1901, General Zeng Qi asked the emperor of China for permission to open a coal mine. So began a century-long rat race to power China’s industrialization.
October 5, 2022 Source: The China Project
The only profits in China are mining profits
Mining is the only sector of the economy showing consistent profits this year. The biggest gains are in coal, and oil and gas, but lithium and silicon miners are enjoying windfalls thanks to the electric vehicle and solar energy industries, and copper and uranium mining have been lucrative, too.
August 29, 2022 Source: The China Project
China doubles down on coal
Forget clean energy: The approval of a new mega-mine in Ordos, China’s mining hub, shows that Beijing is still committed to mining coal.
April 7, 2022 Source: The China Project
China’s clean energy conundrum
Climate change looms over China’s population and resources, but cutting carbon may not be as important as the nation’s top priority: security.
March 3, 2022 Source: The China Project
Link-U Tech is pumping electricity from EVs back into the power grid
Link-U Tech, a Chinese company founded last year by a team at Tsinghua University, is trying to commercialize two-way charging stations for electric vehicles. It has competition in major Chinese EV companies like NIO.
February 21, 2022 Source: The China Project
COP26 agrees on ‘phase-down’ of coal after last-minute deal between U.S., China, EU, and India
The COP26 “Glasgow Climate Pact” is the first climate summit agreement to explicitly mention fossil fuel reduction — though a “phase-out” of coal was watered down to “phase-down” at the last minute, at the behest of China and India.
November 15, 2021 Source: The China Project
Chinese power sector reforms mean more coal now, less coal later
China needs to burn coal to end power shortages, but is the country’s ongoing electricity crisis all bad news for the climate? No, writes energy policy researcher David Fishman, because by using the crisis to implement fundamental price reforms for power markets, Beijing has actually disadvantaged coal in the future and taken a major step toward decarbonization.
October 18, 2021 Source: The China Project
Beijing confronts the energy crisis, but nature gets in the way
A story from the The China Project A.M. newsletter. Sign up for free here.
October 12, 2021 Source: The China Project
Coal is back as China ramps up funding
A story from the The China Project A.M. newsletter. Sign up for free here.
October 5, 2021 Source: The China Project
How China’s energy crisis happened, in six steps
Rising demand for Chinese goods, climbing prices for coal, and a government campaign to reduce power consumption have collided — and caused an energy crisis in China. Here’s how it happened, and what might come next.
September 28, 2021 Source: The China Project
The three causes of China’s power outages
As many as 20 provinces in China are suffering from power shortages, leaving businesses and millions of residents affected by power rationing. Where did this crisis come from? David Fishman, China energy policy researcher and manager at the Lantau Group consultancy, gives a brief primer.
September 28, 2021 Source: The China Project
Xi Jinping says China ‘will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad’
At the UN General Assembly, China’s leader pledged to end support for coal projects overseas in favor of green and low-carbon energy. But while the single sentence effectively marked the end of coal financing abroad, China continues to build new coal power plants at home.
September 21, 2021 Source: The China Project
Has China quit overseas coal financing?
China did not fund any overseas coal projects in the first half of 2021, the International Institute of Green Finance said. This marks a milestone in the greening of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which since its inception in 2013 had included generous funding of coal every year.
July 27, 2021 Source: The China Project
The China-Australia trade war is hurting Mongolia’s environment
When China turned its back on Australian coal last year, it looked north to help plug the shortfall. That was good news for big business in Mongolia — and bad news for locals.
July 20, 2021 Source: The China Project
China unveils world’s second largest solar power plant
Days after Xi Jinping committed China to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, the country opened its largest solar power plant — and the second largest in the world — with a capacity of 2.2GW.
October 7, 2020 Source: The China Project
Xi promises carbon-neutral China by 2060 in UN speech
At the UN General Assembly, Donald Trump bashed the UN and Xi Jinping praised it. Xi also made a significant environmental commitment: that the country would “achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.”
September 22, 2020 Source: The China Project