A miscellany of links

Politics & Current Affairs

Sexism in state media: today the People’s Daily tweeted: “Make-up and hair services and food counters with cupcakes and cotton candy… Shanghai to hold a 10-km marathon event just for women as marathon fever continues to spread across the nation, allowing women runners to hold up ‘half the sky.’”

“Freedom and the future of China” is the title of an interesting speech given to students in Hong Kong by longtime Hong Kong resident and investor David Webb. Webb is not a fan of Beijing but the speech is surprisingly optimistic.

Rhino horns and tiger teeth needed for fraudulent scientific research: “China on Tuesday defended its controversial decision to ease a 25-year ban on trading tiger bones and rhinoceros horns after conservationists warned that the government had effectively signed a ‘death warrant’ for the endangered species,” reports Agence France-Presse. “The country’s previous regulations on rhino horn and tiger bone products did not consider the ‘reasonable needs of reality’, such as those from scientific research, education and medical treatment,” according to a foreign ministry spokesperson.

Yesterday on The China Project: China makes rhino horn and tiger teeth legal to trade for Chinese medicine

See also China’s ‘legal trade’ announcement could sound the death knell for tigers and rhinos by the Environmental Investigation Agency.

“British diplomats have visited Xinjiang and confirmed that reports of mass internment camps for Uighur Muslims were ‘broadly true’, the foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has told parliament,” reports the Guardian. See also on ChinaFile: The Situation in Xinjiang, a video of a panel discussion with historian Rian Thum, journalists Gulchehra Hoja of Radio Free Asia, and James Palmer of Foreign Policy.

“Chinese leaders tried before to assimilate the Uyghurs,” says Justin M. Jacobs in the Washington Post, in an article that looks at previous attempts to tame and Sinicize Xinjiang.

The Chinese man who started birthright citizenship in the U.S.: Read Meet Wong Kim Ark, the Chinese-American whose Supreme Court case changed the country on Politico, or see Wikipedia: United States vs Wong Kim Ark.