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22 articles matching the search query.
China kicks off the Asian Games with no fireworks and a parade of global leaders
Asia’s version of the Olympics kicked off with dazzling light shows, an esports debut, and a slew of top dignitaries in attendance. Xi courted top Syrian and South Korean officials amid the fanfare, but his government also raised fresh tensions in its border dispute with India.
September 25, 2023 Source: The China Project
This week on TikTok: Typhoon hits Beijing, China’s internet restrictions, and pickleball
Want more like this? Subscribe to The China Project’s official TikTok channel, The China Project, where Susan St.Denis explains complex topics about China clearly and simply in TikTok’s fast-evolving visual and verbal language.
August 4, 2023 Source: The China Project
This week on TikTok: The new space race and Blizzard-NetEase fallout
Want more like this? Subscribe to The China Project’s official TikTok channel, ChinaVibe, where Susan St.Denis explains complex topics about China clearly and simply in TikTok’s fast evolving visual and verbal language.
January 27, 2023 Source: The China Project
Editor’s note for January 27, 2023
A note for Access newsletter readers from Jeremy Goldkorn.
January 26, 2023 Source: The China Project
Activision Blizzard and NetEase’s feud, explained
The messy breakup has it all: disgruntled gamers, changing power dynamics, and even shade-throwing beverages.
January 26, 2023 Source: The China Project
China declares underage gaming ban effective, but report shows teenagers aren’t studying more. Here’s why.
Getting Chinese teenagers focused on studying and exercising seems to be an endless battle when there are so many entertaining things to do on screens.
November 23, 2022 Source: The China Project
Chengdu: China’s future gaming and tech hub
Gaming entrepreneurs are flocking to set up shop in Chengdu, as younger Chinese people flee the stresses of urban life.
March 21, 2022 Source: The China Project
‘Too much to eat and not enough to do’ — phrase of the week
Eating too much food is a metaphor for being lazy in Chinese. It’s how one NPC delegate attending last week’s Two Sessions was criticized on social media.
March 18, 2022 Source: The China Project
Are video games China’s next cultural export?
The rise of MiHoYo’s ‘Genshin Impact’ should make people reconsider the viability of China’s culture factory.
January 20, 2022 Source: The China Project
ByteDance invests in AI-powered female virtual assistants
A story from the The China Project A.M. newsletter. Sign up for free here.
January 7, 2022 Source: The China Project
Tencent off-loads share in gaming company
Tencent has off-loaded $3 billion worth of shares in the Singapore-based gaming and ecommerce firm Sea, in a move to align its portfolio to match the priorities of Beijing’s “common prosperity” and sustainability push.
January 5, 2022 Source: The China Project
China’s Cultural Crackdowns: A guide
From classrooms to phone screens to celebrity idols, the Chinese government is tightening its control over Chinese society. As culture reaches a new level of strategic importance, The China Project takes stock of the disparate changes to society in the past few years.
December 2, 2021 Source: The China Project
EDG’s League of Legends win exposes ugly side of gaming world
Seasoned players in China say the gaming world is rife with casual misogyny and discrimination. EDG’s recent win, while celebrated across the country, also resulted in public displays of harassment of women.
November 12, 2021 Source: The China Project
Overseas gaming a rare bright spot in Tencent’s weak Q3 report
Tencent has its slowest revenue growth in 17 years, but overseas gaming may be a lifeboat. This story is from the The China Project A.M. newsletter — sign up for free here.
November 11, 2021 Source: The China Project
Zhang Weili falls in split decision at UFC 268
Rose Namajunas vs. Zhang Weili 2 went very differently than the first fight, when Namajunas surprised Zhang with an early knockout.
November 8, 2021 Source: The China Project
Yahoo shuts down remaining China services
Yahoo has ended its 22-year presence in the Chinese market, a largely symbolic move after many of the internet company’s services had already stopped operating in China years ago.
November 2, 2021 Source: The China Project
After video game ban, Chinese kids turn to Douyin and livestreaming gamers
The Chinese government has restricted under 18s to only three hours of video games per week, and gaming companies are enforcing the rules. So instead of playing games, kids are watching other people play them.
October 11, 2021 Source: The China Project
New Chinese video games must follow socially conservative rules
A story from the The China Project A.M. newsletter. Sign up for free here.
September 30, 2021 Source: The China Project
China’s Red New Deal: Tracking all the different crackdowns on companies going on right now
Updated October 26: The China Project’s tracker of all of China’s different crackdowns — now affecting 19 different industries or interest groups.
September 9, 2021 Source: The China Project
Beijing restricts kids to three hours of gaming per week
Another day, yet another set of rules to govern China’s internet companies. Today it’s gaming in the regulators’ crosshairs, and the rules will be tough on China’s teenagers.
August 30, 2021 Source: The China Project